,human nature always thinking about the present not the past, No s que sucede pero desde el captulo 3242 no he podido encontrar ms actualizaciones, https://xperimentalhamid.com/novel/chapter-3243-of-the-amazing-son-in-law-novel-free-online/. In limbo at 2140!! Con tal percepcin deberas escribir tu propia novela y dejar de criticar!!! But all of them don't know his true identity as the heir of a famous family. Si la mam de ye era millonaria porque se fue a westrel a rodar y alquilar.. porque no se fue a los eu de dnde era originario hay muchos hilos en la novela que no enlanzan . 3398 is the last chapter. If you turn out to be a rich 2nd gen then our whole marriage is based on lie. En otras palabras no hay captulos 1866 a 1870. Capitulo 2747 se pierde la trama de la novela, directamente se nota que se salta la trama de un capitul completo. So we should separate. IMO. Hope we get the full version of the book. Cuando al fin moje disparar fuegos artificiales en mi casa!! Pensara que estoy ms a favor que finalmente Charlie quede con Sara ya que es la que ms ha estado con el, hasta e punto de hacer una carrera musical solo para encontrarlo. Dont make ideas to destroy this fantastic novel. If this is a completes novel than where is the rest of it? Her family is one of the wealthiest family in the country but she waited for me. A man that patient deserves a reward!! Done read chapter 1-365 waiting for more chapters to be add thanks in advence. Rate this book. Van tres das sin subir captulos, deberan sacar tabla no ela completa, Primero que nada, gracias por subir y actualizar los capitulos de esta novela. Paciencia para esperar ms captulos!! https://xperimentalhamid.com/novel/chapter-3405-of-the-amazing-son-in-law-novel-free-online/, Necesito el captulo 3399 donde puedo leerlo gracias. So, if youre not near ch 2160, The chapters are there!! Sometimes this fact could be uncomfortable for us readers. I am also thinking of what the old man in the mountain said to him, was he implying that Marven belongs to Miss Gu? Writer want to keep Marven and Avella virgin till end of story and he/she dont know how to keep that so just ignored the storyline instead start adding more girls who want to be with Marven but he wont go with them. Si la dinmica contina as al menos debera subir 10 captulos al da, o quitar las explicaciones intrascendentes como todos los pensamientos de los personajes que igual se entenderan con explicaciones menos extensas, al igual que las circunstancias econmicas, situacin de las empresas y entorno. Marven, should go with Sara instead not only because they are at the same level, but Saras family is a better environment in raising a family. Because this is a harem LOL. Es porque la familia no estn de acuerdo en que estuviera con un billonario pobre ton, siendo ellos trillonarios. It was the mother-in-law. Am Really greatful that i can read this amazing story for free , though im quite having a hardtime reading it because of the grammar and also their names are different from where i read it first , but all in all as long as the thought is there and also i can adjust with their names so not a problem at all. Cuando la actualizan? Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Marvens out would be for Avella to just divorce him because Marven, did not reveal his true identity. Es muy decepcionante que den tantos captulos solo para la compra de ropa, ya se est volviendo tendencia el relleno y nada de avances substanciales. Are we there yet huh huh? Nothing guys its just the conversation I had with my wife. Not only is Avellas parents moral center questionable, they are greedy and will not provide a good example to the child. ithas gone off the rails in the last few months. The world can be a cruel place to live in. Call me a skeptic. Lets just run along and be patient. The Amazing Son in law 3290- 3312-WPS Office.pdf, The Amazing Son-In-Law 3313-3320WPS Office.pdf, The Amazing Son-In-Law 3321-3342WPS Office.pdf, The Amazing Son-In-Law 3343-3354WPS Office.pdf, The Amazing Son-In-Law 3355-3378 WPS Office.pdf, The Amazing Son-In-Law 3379-3390WPS Office.pdf, The Amazing Son-In-Law 3391-3420WPS Office.pdf, The Amazing Son-In-Law 3421-3450WPS Office.pdf, The Amazing Son-In-Law 3451-3480WPS Office.pdf, The Amazing Son-In-Law 3481-3510WPS Office.pdf, The Amazing Son-In-Law 3511-3558WPS Office.pdf, The Amazing Son-In-Law 3559-3600WPS Office.pdf, The Amazing Son in law 3703-3772-WPS Office.pdf, The Amazing Son in law 3601-3640-WPS Office.pdf, The Amazing Son in law 3641-3702-WPS Office.pdf, The Amazing Son in law 3773-3840-WPS Office.pdf. She on the other hand believes she was forced to marry a total loser. Estara gustoso de pagar si subieran el libro completo, la historia interesante con tan pocos captulos diarios y sin contenido poco a poco enfra el inters. La espera por Muy pocos captulos es eterna, una pena, Se actualizan cada dia paciencia hermano. What evidence do you have that this shrew has put her daughters happiness before money!? Ellas se enamoran solas, el solo las trata bien por cortesa, en ningn momento les coquetea. She respected her marriage. Acaso desea venderme los derechos de autor? I hope Marven would not become real and attack those people. No tanto por gratitud por haber sido buenos amos antes, sino por la ambicion de pertenecer y emparentar con el poder de la familia ye. Chapters are being posted regularly. Or master marven doesnt have money to support his child only after marrying a rich wife can her family afford the child ? Quede en el 2624, Esta muy buena la trama, solo me frustra un poco que suban pocos captulos cada da, me gustara que al menos subieran 10 por da. And will Hamid be destroyed. But still, his life is so miserable. POR QU NO LANZAN TODOS LOS CAPITULOS DE UNA VEZ? If youve reached ch 2160, TWIDDLE YOUR THUMBS till morning!! This one doesnt excite me anymore. Sara is the innocent victim of their guilt? What time zone does this load? Tu tambin? Charlie began to fight back against people had ever disputed him and secretly help his wife win the leadership in her family. Not only did he not prepare a gift for Lady Wilson on her birthday but he actually had the audacity to ask her for one million dollars! Why not upload all the chapters of this novel, Please upload more chapters 2443 onwards of the amazing son in law. Please Support us. En el nombre de la humanidad, saquen ms captulos por favorrrrrrrrr, no puedo esperar ms!!! He gave that song family girl a pill to use in case of any crisis but nothing to his own wife. Se les fue subir el da de hoy 19 de agosto de 2021, si tienen todos los captulos subamos de una vez juntos o revisen su programacin, por favor suban los capitulos que faltan voy por el 3442 por favor suban el resto, No upload since the last twenty four hours. Por das, semana o mes?? Despite persuasions from her mother and grandmother she still stood by your side. O solo llega en el 3298? Hey Blaine If you are bored go run to the river with Dave Ciao and Viola Ma.. Buen da, alguien tiene del capitulo 2893 en adelante que lo quiera compartir, se lo agradecer. But glad that so far most people have agreed with my views . Sigo buscando actualizaciones en la tarde. Inicialmente estaba interesado en la trama del romance, pero l no lo ha hecho ni interacta con la suya en absoluto. Hoy tuvimos 4. But both of his parents succumb to death during the process of fleeing the city. You have summed up my feelings and thoughts. Espero que para esa poca este terminado y yo con vida jaja, YO TAMBIEN ESPERARE ALGUN TIEMPO PARA RETOMAR LA LECTURA, A VER SI PARA ESE MOMENTO MARVEN YA PERDIO SU VIRGINIDAD, YA REFINO UNA PASTILLA PARA EL CORONAVIRUS, YA SOLUCIONO LOS PROBLEMAS DE HUAWEI CON ESTADOS UNIDOS Y PUSO A CHINA POR ENCIMA DE TODOS LOS DEMAS PAISES. Its been almost a week man since you posted, missing that Acton here. Why is this not being updated? unless one of them is benefiting from that marriage and ill go with avalle from benefiting from that marriage, ill say it again if avella divorce marven she would be force to marry a rich 2nd generation and she would become a housewife and maybe abuse. Yet shes willing to stay with him. In their views Marven is the no.1 person in the world. Al final de la historia va a terminar solo por su ego!!! Hi is there more chapters after 2045 if so how can I get it to complete the whole novel please inform. At the same time, the hero and son-in-law always lives in his wifes parents house and earn his life by serving the family and their company. Right now theres 95% chance the novel will be harem themed with Avella being wife and all other m!stresses. Saber que los poderosos actuan impunemente y que hubo justicia, eso es interesante. I mean Warnia is a very high ranking woman in a society where reputation is everything, yet shes willing to sacrifice all that to just be a side chick? More chapters will get here!! Por otro lado, han hecho un super hroe que al paso del tiempo sigue conformandose con su esposa cuando lo que debiera de ser es regresar con su prometida de la infancia. Ive indeed enjoyed reading all those chapters. I may go back and start over again. He didnt have money nor dignity in this family. Es una novela increible hace amar la lectura por la trama y todos los conductores inesperados que van apareciendo, los cuales te desenfocan por un rato pero siempre vuelven a la raz, segn el titulo el se quedar con siempre en el inicio como Yerno lo interesante es la trama. I really enjoy this book, however two chapters a day is ridiculous and extremely frustrating. Lo raro es que tiene casi cuatro aos casado con su esposa y an no se ha consumado el matrimonio. Es una pena porque no voy a saber como Marven Ye salva a las 8 norteamericanas cautivas en Siria. igual el dia de hoy recibi 4 captulos pero aun asi es muy poco, espero poder encontrar la novela ya terminada, si alguien la encuentra compartan, 8 ltimos captulos de estos ltimos dos das que no dicen nada, puro relleno. If you can update more chapters a day then that would be great. Definitely enjoying the book though. Ya que al principio la novela se centraba en marven y avella Its there you just cant get to it by chapters list anymore click on their website and than look for it, Brother qasim Khan plzzz post 10 chapter a day. If so then i will recommend this website on our page. De verdad se hace amigo del secuestrador? Not sure why chapters are listed after 3398, but if manually edited readers can read upto chapter 3404. tecla CTRL + tecla F5 y listo problema resuelto, Vamos pues, no es la forma correcta de tratar a sus fieles lectores. 4 chapters for Melna to get dressed This live-in grandson-in-law was overly atrocious and bold! Yet she stood by him, refused to divorce him despite constant persuasions from family, never thought about other successful men despite her husband being a jobless person with no skills and when she saw how he helped their family and saw his improvements she now accepted him whole heartedly. Avella, did not respect Marven nor did she defended or stood by her husband because Avella let her relatives disrespect Marven. In particular, Chapter 5464 has brought readers thrilling details. only yesterday ive read up to 3366 but now again only showing untill 3358 . I had no one to support me. No quiero seguir leyendo saltendome 5 captulos. I understand the sentiments of most people here Avella and Marven are Married, Avella helped Marven in his darkest hour. If you are rich and have power, you are loved but the moment you find yourself in a condition where you everything is snatched from you, people start making excuses to avoid being with you because you dont fulfill their expectations? Desde el 2745 en adelante son todos captulos repetidos, deberas revisarlos antes de publicar. But his real identity as their heir of a prominent family remained a secret. 17/09/21 voy acabo de leer el capitulo 3580, no comprendo porque todos van tan atrasados si la pgina es la misma, a veces no aparecen todos los captulos en el lista cuando es as ingreso en el ltimo captulo de la lista y al finalizar la lectura de dicho capitulo aparece next chapter(siguiente captulo) pero antes de eso en el espacio que dice suscribirse ingreso mi email y listo doy click en next chapter, otro detalle es que hasta abajo de la pgina pasando todos los comentarios aparece una bandera dependiendo de tu pas es la que aparece(esto s lo tienes configurado asi) si cambias la bandera actual por la de USA que tambin cambia el idioma te saldrn todos los captulos, la verdad la mayora solo sabe quejarse y para todos aquellos que lo hacen(quejarse) me sorprende que sean lectores, y para el autor mi estimado QASIM KHAN lo felicito, empec leyendo su obra en un post de Fbook y ya no pude parar de leer, sigo atento cada captulo nuevo. No new chapters after 3398???? es de verdad ??? Also could you tell us how many chapters are there in total in this novel. Girl from orphanage Warnia Lori because her matured temperament and obviously she helped Marven a lot growing his business. A el las ganas se le notan pero ella por ese pobre hombre no siente naaaadaaa. es en serio?, son ms de 24 mil captulos. Today. All you ever did was lying to me. In a world that is driven by accumulation of power that is built upon deceit, where can we find solace? Is there anywhere that I can get the completed version? Por favor arreglen eso para disfrutar la lectura. faltan los capitulos 1827-1828 Play nice people, just take a look at your hand when you point an accusing finger or when you point and curse at somebody. In fact the update is very frustrating. They release a couple chapters but it feels like there are 5 lines per chapter LOL! i would like to recommend these to more friends. El libro semejante. La nieta del mdico, la boxeadora hija del de las hierbas, la vicepresidente de Engrane, la amiga de la esposa que trabaja en Engrane, las dos hijas Zynn Su, la cantant, Warnia , Bjalo. The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 01 to 1000 Free Online. Hence definitely expecting to see the complete novel been uploaded. I enjoy the description of the various Hotels, Clubs & Villas just wondering?! She did, but she also chose to stay with him even severing ties with her extended family. Si resulta ser as, que lo castigue fuertemente pero a Sara no, esa mujer adora el piso por dnde ese hombre camina, Im really looking forward to when he visits his maternal grand parents, visit the yes house, and subsequently conflict with the rosthcid family and so on. Login or create your free Webcilo account. This is Book 2 of The Amazing Son-in-LawThe Charismatic Charlie Wade. no se pueden dar el lujo de subir solo dos capitulos!!!! ? wooooowwww. Ya muri? The truth was unreliable for Charlie, but when he got a card by which he could withdraw 10 billion dollars anywhere and anytime, Charlie decided to take over his power and make an exhilarating plan. Buenas das, quien no sabe que es la esposa? Hi, I like the Chapters no in Blue than in Black. The novel is being written as we read it. Ahora estn dispuestos a arriesgar una mala reputacin y vergenza solo por estar con l. Sera que hay alguna manera de conseguir el pdf completo de la novela o fsica? Voy en el captulo 2984 alguien sabe si an subido ms. Can someone tell me what happened in chapters 1921-1925? Dragging so many characters together carrying so many events. cause they love messing with us, and give us less new chapters daily!! You say you love your wife because she stood with you in your toughest times but why cant you admit it in front of other girls that you love your wife? When he started to provide and became popular with the rich folks, his wife decided to cook but before all that, they treated him really bad. Chengfeng would do that in an absolute blink of an eye. When they get done with the chapters, they release them. Yes its becoming increasingly uncomfortable to read. Sencillamente no es a traves de las religiones que se logra la justicia divina en la tierra, deben haber hombre y mujeres justicieros, para acabar con todo lo malo de esta tierra. The only one who looked at him is his wife and youre saying shes not ideal for him Very interesting read. It said 2201 -2300 cant get pas 2254 help. However, Im not truly sold on her being a loving wife. Well done Lord Leaf, thanks for all the updates Khan. I mean Marven fears losing his wife not that he doesnt love his wife. Beautiful Novel to read and follow! Brother i wonder if lord leaf, is one person or more, because after reading amazing son in law, cant stop figuring out, i am so much amazed of the lord leaf.. En amazon est a la venta el libro, pero ya vi que no est completo. Im already finish chapter 230, please upload more In short I want Father-in-law to live a good life with his love independently. His wife was being obedient to her grandfather and ensured he slept on the floor with absolutely no love. Thanks. Id like for there to be time in the story for him and Avella to grow in their relationship. totally agreed n more the merrier since one chapter can be read in a few mins , , . You must be relieved now that your doubts are cleared? And now their relationship has improved to the point of sl33ping in each others arm. Capaz que en unos cinco aos los busque para leer. Touch device users, explore by touch or with . The part of it left me in suspence. oficialmente ya le estoy perdiendo inters a esta novela. As at 14th Aug, the chapters uploaded are up to 3424. what is happening. i agree. Charlie Wade is a fictional character from the Wattpad book series, The Amazing Son In Law. But there was still one shining point inside of him, he was faithful to Claire Wilson and to his marriage. More . Please continue, What happen? What happened to chapters 2050-2100? y ahora todo es sara. Cuando se van publicar nuevos captulos? cuando subiran toda la novela completa. Hari ini sama sekali tidak ada tambahan bab. Saludos. Warnia, Nanako are just passing fancy.while avela is not suitable either as wife. De acuerdo contigo amigo, por lo general yo leo esta novela como 4 horas al dia y ya voy por el captulo 2640 y estoy esperando que publiquen los dems. But at least you will have read it privately, before deleting. More chapter please. My family always pressurized me to divorce you. However, hes not that fond of the Japanese. Ya se esta en rollando mucho con otros temas, el rescate de Melba largo y con poco de interes. Pero la historia da a ver que marven est totalmente enamorado de ito nanako y esa japonesa de l aunque marven prefiere las chinas yo soy team nanako, Exclente novela, con basto aprendizaje para vivir, en medio de lo bueno y malo del mundo. You are right. a no ser q le de una vuelta de tuerca. But she respects marriage and respects her husband even knowing he isnt promising and has no skills. He swore that one day, those who shunned him would kneel before him and beg for mercy, eventually! The 24hr timeframe is not consistent. Quiero decir, hace varios cientos de captulos, solo faltaban 2 das para su cumpleaos y el concierto. To the author, dont know how to say it enough!! Right now she si being given the breaks because of Marven, she is comfortable and happy and she is able to provide for her family. In her eyes hes just an ordinary feng shui consultant now. My suggestion however, when Charlie attends Gu Qiuyis concertplease release the whole chapters all together till the end of the concert. Three years ago, Lord Wilson, who was still alive and well, had come home with Charlie one . So enjoy your reading and dont forget to share this with your friends. Its not like she tolerated him and asked him to change or shell divorce. HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Wooooooh i am so excited to read further with .mmore chapters. Ya me aburri, al principio me atrap de manera tal que lo le en una semana, pero viendo la lentitud con que se desarrolla la historia y agregado a eso, la lentitud con que se suben captulos, me siento decepcionado, una lastima, pareca un buen libro. Please load more chapters. Es un poco decepcionante y hay que sumar a esto que se actualizan por da de 2 a 4 capitulos, lo que hace que se pierda el inters. The wait is the factor for my time zone it has refreshed in the morning (GMT-10) and recently in the later afternoon. May I suggest you scroll through these bits so it doesnt affect your feelings?! What will happen to his wife? At least give me 2394 to 2420 at a time please. They started the book as a romance and now it is all over the place. That page cant be found. ), Porfavor pongan un precio por toda la novela, me urge terminarla. Do read more properly. Lo trat como si le hiciera el gran favor. Avella did respect Marven, she used her own money to pay when his caretaker from the orphanage was in the hospital and she was the only one who used to celebrate his birthday. Final Thoughts about The Amazing Son in Law the Charismatic Charlie Wade. Hasta aqu llegu. Im going to marry you tomorrow. thank you. However, a mysterious person came to Charlie with a stunning information. En algn momento perder la virginidad!!! She never looked down upon him, stood by his side despite all the odds, celebrated his birthdays. I have to avenge them. This is an all-mighty trick in the genre of novels written for men. Pls upload more chapters. Considering he has made Marvin be this egotistical and self righteous man who has a supposedly super human power. Creo que es cuestin de gustos,Ami me sigue atrapando y no me parece para nada aburrida y por el contrario no me molesta que explique con detalles las cosas que van pasando ya que seguramente sern los pequeos detalles lo que al final nos harn dar cuenta de muchas situaciones que pasan, Totalmente de acuerdo amigo, esta novela era interesante la venia leyendo a un ritmo muy bno pero ya esperar da a da un capitulo y que se desarrolla tan lento hace perder el inters, Lord Leaf ya debera terminar esta novela y sacarla el resto de una ves para que la gente se motive a terminar la lectura de bna forma, De acuerdo se aleja mucho del tema central en personajes de 3er orden y se pierde la esencia de la historia crea mucha ficcin no realista debera ser un poco menos sub realista porque se pierde el inters con tanta fantasa. The Charismatic Charlie Wade is also known as the Mighty Charlie Wade was also translated by Lord Leaf. Where are chapters after 1255 ?? LOVE this book. He doesnt treat her badly but he should treat/ love his wife more and should make his intentions known to those wild girls. .. Sara no ama de verdad a charle y las otras chicas tampoco, tienen una admiracin a su heroe o mana hacia l. Sara is Team Too Much!! forever inlove with Marven and will not progress anymoe, Is their any update after episode 3248. nonsense. 2)The translation is sloppy, the pre/past tense is always messed up and the pronouns are always changing and wrong for the character used she-he-her -him sometimes even in the same paragraph. As to those YouTube chapter raiders, who knows. " Claire, look at the piece of trash you're married to! This is my view. La trama es muy buena .. Esto debido a todo lo que dijo en su comentario. . I hope you will understand and try your more efforts to continue entertain your readers. Yo quiero saber si este libro est impreso lo quiero comprar. I had to suffer humiliations from my friends for marrying a loser. Its ok to comment on what you feel should happen, or what you feel towards the development of the story. Obviously this will complicate the relationship with Rouli and the entire He Family. Three years ago, Lord Wilson, who was still alive and well, had come home with Charlie one day and insisted on marrying him to their granddaughter, Claire Wilson. Desde la cultura milenaria china, la novela integra testimonios que ayudan aprender lo bueno y malo de las personas, como se mueven desenfrenadamente la aristocracia de alta gama dominante, cas como manarquas absolutas en funcin de asegurar su poder y que con avaricia crezca y crezca desmedidamente. Love this novel i cant wait for it to be finished and see where everything goes. This guy helped almost all other ladies gave them those magical pills but not a single one to his wife. Suggest me some more such d*mb logics guys that I can tell her and make her speechless why are there so many duplicate pages?? why do some says that no one would love a construction worker? It should be 4 chapters in day as far as I remember last week. Please upload more chapters at a time and more often. 2618 captulos ya termine y me dejo el sabor de que recin me encuentro a limitad de la trama esperando a los siguientes captulos. They are not even married yet and she is using the name of Marvens mother to get favour, and you think she doesnt know what she is doing, The family knws more about Marvens background even more than himself, she and her parents are playing an intelligent game, I just hope he will not be fooled. Do I need to beg? 704-694-4181 www.ansoncountychamber.org. hope can maintain around 100 chapters a day. Sorry but his wife is Sara, he needs to speak the truth and honor the parents contract. Maybe the bluntness of her is another trick in the story, but it made our affection on Claire fade away as well. Estoy de acuerdo, la nica que sin importa nada siempre lo a querido es Sara, las dems se enamoraron por sus grandes habilidades y algunas por favores que le hizo a sus padres y abuelos, el debera vivirla a todas y casarse con Sara. The father in law is a total loser and a true good for nothing.He had no skills and not a likeable character.Hes not a hero figure that will excite people to read about his romantic adventures. Me da pena, pero realmente, ya aburre. Accordingly, Charlie had to take actions via a fake name and identity. Its been almost a week, New chapters were displayed and then gone. I had to take care my father and mother so I joined the family business right from my graduation. Cmo es que la mam y el pap le van a decir que despus de casarse con el tipo no puede tener intimidad con l y ella orondita va a hacer caso? Right now its seems like a salad bowl, ingredients are just being added and mixed. Chapter 370 completed. hahahaha (suddenly laughs extremely coldly) Will Joseph then fly to Syria and finished Hamid rendering a blow to Marven. Thank you . y no hay ms para leer. Se supone que ama a su esposa; pero se coquetea con muchas mujeres, las salva de secuestros, organiza expediciones para rescatarlas de accidentes en las montaas o de secuestros en Japn o el Medio oriente solo por deporte y sin ningn inters en particular. Paul Barnabas. errr. Pero los captulos son demasiado cortos y suben muy pocos I know the author would be smiling with my actuation coz this is what he is anticipating with the readers, and if you dont give us the complete chapter? So sad that we have to wait to see what happens next. will gladly share with others! Volviendo al punto que muchos igual reclaman se que hay mucho esfuerzo y hay que tener paciencia para esperar los capis si sube 1 o 2 genial y si puede subir 2 mas mucho mejor pero se agradece todo el esfuerzo y tener este libro que de berdad esta a mi parecer buenisimo. Gracias. You were a construction worker. Avella nunca ha amado a Marven, le tiene cario y respeto por su abuelo, y hasta ahora es que esta empezando a sentir algo por el, porque el Marven ahora es muy crack, sin embargo amor todavia no hay. What are you talking about. Si bien su esposa Claire lo apoy en tiempos turbulentos, no se sabe si resisti al divorcio por el compromiso con el abuelo (que s saba acerca de el y por ello su matrimonio por conveniencia mas como inversin alargo plazo). If he didnt save her father Im sure she wouldnt care about him either despite them being childhood sweethearts. How how can I be a rich second gen? Unfortunately there is no other links available on the page. Walaupun sedih juga ya. osea que son 24328 capitulos?? The Charismatic Charlie Wade Chapter 5463. those of us even with the authors only get FOUR new chapters a day!!! Zhiyu had her life saved twice and has the nerve to look down on his wife. Was able to read only 15 chapters today and no more. When that happens his family is going to be at risk because they have no ability to attack Marvin they will kill his family to hurt Marvin. Charlie Wade was the live-in son-in-law that everyone despised, but his real identity as the heir of a prominent family remained a secret. Does Sara really love Marcen though? Im addicted now. Deberan subir ms capitulos por da. Anything else is just pure bull$h*t, And I dont remember exactly when Marven approached to k$$ or have a relation and his wife refused on his face. Warnia / Nanako / etc , Hay como ocho. Isnt that one of the reasons they were sent thier because they are womanizers. With so many populations. Bring on some quality chapters!!!! Lord Wilson had passed away after they got married. Please fix this. I loaded in 5 different browser on two different computers that have never been to this page and same result. Saludos a toda esa gente impaciente, simplemente vuelvan a empezarla o lean otra historia en lo que dan tiempo a qu est termine, ese es el secreto. Cada cunto suben captulos? Cheers! Que as como vas, ser ms o menos para mediados del mes de octubre 2021. saquen 10 captulos por da es muy corta la trama me deja con sabor amargo, muy cortos los captulos. I believe one shouldnt choose any other girl when he has a wife who gave him food and shelter, stood by his side and married him when he was just a hapless construction worker. LLega hasta el Capitulo 2798, Me encanto la novela pero paciencia porq a mi me gusta de principio a fin. There is some confusion here. Porque desde un principio el supo que no era el momento para darlo a conocer, debido a que la pondra en riesgo con sus enemigos an falta muchos los cuales si se dieran cuenta que ella es su esposa le podran hacer dao. Avella will just be a liability to Marven in this quest, she neither have the intelligence, business skills, or temperament to deal with the main quest of the story.Thus when he reveals the truth to her, i hope she really does divorce Marven.

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